Never Stop Playing
As we age, many of us have a fatal flaw that can lead to a fatal fall — we lose our balance, stability and coordination. Stephen Jepson says he can change that for everyone. And as a bonus, he believes it can help you build brain cells, develop neural pathways and prevent or delay Alzheimer’s and dementia. What is his prescription? Play! Stephen believes the key to never losing your balance — or your mind — is in the games and activities of our youth. Wait until you see his incredible playground!
He Tried 12 Anti-Aging Tricks Every Day for 1 Year, Here's What Happened
Stephen Michael Jepson was born May 31, 1941, in Sioux City, Iowa. After receiving his MFA from Alfred University in 1971, he went on to open his studio in Geneva, Florida, and began the ceramics department at the University of Central Florida, where he taught for eight years. In 1976, Jepson jar with lid was selected to be included in the Smithsonian Museum Collection of American Crafts. In 1978, Jepson was profiled in The Professional Potter by Thomas Shafer. In 1993, he founded the video production company, Thoughtful Productions. His instructional videos are intended to teach intermediate and beginner potters how to improve their technique. In 1997, Jepson founded The World Pottery Institute in Geneva, Florida, a school for potters. While Jepson continues to teach pottery, he is now retired and has dedicated himself to athletic inventions. Disclaimer: This video provides general information only and is not a call to action or a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult a specialist before making any changes to your health or diet. The “Simply Longevity” channel and the video author are not responsible for any results related to the information provided. Self-medication can be harmful; always seek a doctor's advice for health concerns. #health #longevity #antiaging --------------------------------------------------- Subscribe for Longevity, Health, Blue Zone Secrets and Nutrition facts. Inspired by Healthy Long Life, Healthy Ever After, Ageless Diet, Dr Carlos and Dr Sten Ekberg. Inspired by I EAT Top 3 Vitamins to CONQUER AGING! 100 yo Harvard Doctor John Scharffenberg Inspired by I’m 97 Years Old & Still Active | 3 Foods I Always Eat Van Dyke longevity secrets Inspired by 100 Year-Old Nutrition Professor: 7 Keys to A Long Life | Dr. John Scharffenberg Inspired by I AVOID 5 FOODS & my body is 30 YEARS YOUNGER! Harvard Genetics Professor David Sinclair Inspired by MEET THE FITTEST AGE 71 IN THE WORLD|The 5 Foods I WILL NEVER EAT Is The SECRET TO LIVE LONG "jAWA" Inspired by AVOID 🚨 These 4 Habits CAUSE DEMENTIA | How To PREVENT Memory Loss | Bruce Willis Inspired by Top 10 Foods That DESTROY Your HEART Inspired by The Oldest Man in the World Breaks the Silence Before His Death and Reveals His Secret Inspired by I AVOID 3 FOODS and Don't Get Old! Barbara Taylor Bradford (90) still looks 59! Inspired by More life - Decoding the secret of aging | DW Documentary Inspired by Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones | Official Trailer | Netflix
For Speaking Engagements Contact Stephen Jepson .mov
This is my dream: For everybody to be healthier, happier, and to have a long life. I am available to share the Never Leave the Playground program with your organization or group. The program is for all ages from 6 to 106! I speak on one subject that contributes to people’s longer, healthier, and more productive life. Hire me to speak at your next organization’s event. For Speaking Engagements Contact Stephen Jepson http://neverleavetheplayground.com.