About Me

Improve memory & creativity & Change Your Life For The Better.
make me smarter, healthier, and happier – about Stephen Jepson

Change Your Life For The Better
Stephen with “The Jepson Roloz”

About Me

Stephen Jepson

Improve memory & creativity & Change Your Life For The Better

Maintain balance stability coordination.Improve memory & creativity.

I am Stephen Jepson, and I have had many personal accomplishments through the years.  My Never Leave The Playground project has been the most rewarding. 

Now, I want to share My Message with You.


See Our Reviews On

Learn How To Ride A Unicycle
Learn How to Juggle

Keep your mind & body active

Expert Speaker on Health & Wellness
Stephen Jepson Playing On The Playground

At age 80, I am living proof of a philosophy that keeps the mind and body active, simply through the art of play. I enjoy tightrope walking, unicycling, throwing knives and juggling while balancing on a bongo board. I also love water sports, like kayaking, paddle boarding, and snorkeling. Since age 65, I have won over 80 gold medals in swim competitions around the world and swam across Iowa’s beautiful Spirit Lake. The lifestyle-fitness philosophy I’m talking about is called, “Never Leave the Playground”.

Change your life for the better

live longer & be healthy
Stephen Jepson Unicycling

“Never Leave the Playground” can Change Your Life For The Better by changing your mindset. Instead of seeing moving the body as a difficult effort, this method of approach towards movement encourages lightheartedness, laughter and simplicity. I have adapted activities for different skill levels that immediately get the body moving.

This is Play, Not Exercise!

A life changing experience

maintain balance stability coordination
Stephen Jepson is An Expert Speaker on Health & Wellness

My goal is to teach people to keep up the physical movement, the activity which continually enriches the brain and body. “Just keep moving” is my mantra. No matter how impaired the body has become through disease or aging, consistent movement is imperative to regain and maintain balance, stability, coordination and growth. I call my method “age proofing the brain and body”. It can begin at any age or any condition. It is a life-changing experience.

My program will help improve memory & creativity

public health keynote speaker
Stephen Jepson at The Fitness Business Simmit

Over the last 8 years, I have committed myself to researching and documenting my theory of lifetime fitness, which now is being presented in this program called, “Never Leave the Playground”. We are going to have a lot of fun along the way. I can help you, too – no matter where you are in your physical journey – with games, playing and specifically designed toys that are going to aid in maintaining your health. The program improves balance, stability, and coordination in the body; it improves memory, creativity and mood in the mind.

Aren’t you looking forward to playing jacks with both hands? Remember the joy of hula-hooping and jumping rope? Keep moving in fun, creative ways all of your life.

Change Your Life For The Better.   Learn More About My Videos or Inquire About My Speaking Schedule for Your Group or Organization Today.

Let’s “Never Leave the Playground” together

Start Video Courses

Speaking Engagement Inquiries

I know one thing with absolute certainty movement is key; of premier imports. We are an animal, that defines an animal. Plants are sessile and animals move; see Ted talk by Daniel Walpert: “The Real Reason For Brains”. And the more novel or challenging, the better it is for the body. Frequently when I speak about the benefits of activity I do not talk about the brain and body as though they are two separate things. They are not two things. – one entity, all of a piece. Division of these elements is a spurious one. I am speaking and thinking of activity as movement; new and challenging movement. More than eye movement as in reading or watching television.

I want my audience to experience the joy, excitement, and exuberance of returning to the playground to learn new games, and new movements. To have new growth in body and brain as they play their way to greater health, a longer life and the kind of happiness one experienced in their youth as they entered the playground again and again.
There is absolutely no risk in this, just fun and growth and myriad other wonderful benefits.

More About Me & My Program

Motivational Expert Speakers

I am living proof

At age 80, I am living proof of my philosophy of lifetime fitness called  Never Leave the Playground.

Keep moving through constant play.

It is “A Life Changing Experience”.

Life Changing Videos

maintain balance stability coordination

I walk a tightrope

&  enjoy riding a unicycle, juggling while balancing on a bongo board.  Enjoying throwing knives and playing  jacks with both hands, walking a tightrope is the most fun.  

I swam across Iowa’s Spirit Lake at age 66, and have won over 80 gold medals in swimming since age 65.

Captivating Speaking Engagements

improve memory & creativity

Just keep moving

I know the secret is to

“just keep moving”

through constant play, not exercise.

No matter how impaired the body has become through disease or aging, consistent movement is imperative to regain and maintain balance, stability, coordination and growth.

See Some Great Reviews

The Jepson Method

  • The Jepson method is  “age proofing the brain and body”, and it can begin at any age or any condition of the body.
  • I have committed myself to researching and documenting my theory of lifetime fitness, culminating in Never Leave the Playground.
  • I can help you too, no matter where you are in your physical journey, with games and toys that will help maintain your health at any age.
  • It is My goal is to teach people to keep up the physical movement, the activity which continually enriches the brain and body.
  • My games, playings, and toys do that.
  • My program improves one’s balance, stability, and coordination, with attendant improvement in one’s memory, creativity, mood and more.
  • Keep moving in fun, creative ways, all of your life.
  • I received my MFA in ceramics from Alfred University, and I was a professor at UCF.
  • Eight years earlier I started my own company, Jepson Pottery.
  • I am one of the best motivational keynote speakers.
  • Maintain balance stability coordination with my program.

My Mission

My mission is to tell every human being on the planet that their quality of life can be improved immediately by playing on the playground.  With constant play and movement, your brain capacity will increase, and your physical well-being and metabolism will be at its best.

  • My ideas will transform you. It is a process reality that will yield magnificent experiences in your life.
  • The tiniest tweak can make a positive difference.
  • Small changes in your behavior can yield positive, gratifying results.
  • A small shift in behavior can result in improvement and staying healthy.
  • The changes do not take willpower or courage; they are driven by the pursuit of enjoyment and fun.
  • It will be a matter of you controlling your destiny.
  • Start to Change Your Life For The Better Today.

Warmly, Stephen Jepson

Improve memory & creativity & Change Your Life For The Better.
Make Me Smarter, Healthier, and Happier!

Please Share My Message with Friends & Family:

We are going to have a lot of fun along the way

public health keynote speakers & motivational keynote speakers

improve memory & creativity

improve memory & creativity

maintain balance stability coordination

maintain balance stability coordination

maintain balance stability coordination

Expert Speaker on Health & Wellness


Make Me Smarter, Healthier & Happier

Motivational Expert Speakers
Stephen Jepson

Kayaking In Florida

I enjoy many water sports

Kayaking – Water Slides – Paddle Boarding

and many more…

improve memory & creativity

improve memory & creativity

maintain balance stability coordination

maintain balance stability coordination

Expert Speaker on Health & Wellness


I have participated in many activities all over the world

My Activities

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