
Another Fun Way To Grow Brain Cells

Balance Stability and Coordination When You Do This Enjoyable Foot Game. It trains your balance, stability, and coordination. Be Smarter Feel Younger & More Creative Hello from Never Leave The Playground I wanted to share this with you: Another Fun Way To Grow Brain Cells from Stephen Jepson: There are so many positive things that happen …

Where is Stephen Jepson juggling?

I recently completed a 6986 mile road trip. It was a magnificent excursion. I learned to juggle three clubs a few months ago and I decided to practice juggling in famous places having my photograph taken to document my progress. The books I have read recently all say if you can do only one thing …

Hey mom there’s nothing to do!

My mother very quickly replied: “son your bed needs making, the lawn needs to be mowed, and the trash needs carrying out! A Magnificent Life… It was mid-summer and a beautiful sunny day in Sioux City, Iowa. The year was 1949; I was eight years old. I said in a very loud voice: “hey mom …

Do not wish for anything

I was 16 years old, it was a gloriously beautiful summer day in Sioux City, Iowa. The year was 1957. My buddy Paul Cabney and I were standing in a glass box about 8 feet in the air in the center of Paul’s father’s used car lot. From our vantage point we could see all …

Make being healthy one of your hobbies

It certainly will be something that serves you well throughout your life. Make it fun. Study and learn as much as you can about what modern science and research says contributes to living a long healthy life. Devise a plan that is yours; then follow it. Get excited about living a vibrant healthy life; it …

If you want to learn something

If you want to learn something physical that is difficult; practice often and quit hungry for the experience. Practice for brief periods of time. Do not practice when you are tired and when you begin to make mistakes quit your practice. Imagine a golden thread fastened to the center of your chest pulling you to …